Behind the Rabbit Productions is a professional film production, media, and content development company based in New York City.
The Behind the Rabbit Productions Team
Jason Godbey (Director/Founder) is the Creator and host of No Rest for the Weekend and Watch This Film. He is Co-Creator/ Producer of BTRP TV and the Writer/Director/Producer of Sonnet 23, Isolation, Thug #3, and The Last Hit.
Marcello H. Carnevali (Producer/Writer) is the Co-Creator and Producer of BTRP TV, the Associate Producer of Watch This Film, and a Director/Producer for No Rest for the Weekend. He is currently developing new projects for BTRP.
Christopher Gillard (Producer/ Composer/Sound Design) composed the theme for No Rest for the Weekend and is the Composer/ Sound Designer for The Last Hit. He is also he founder of Sound Haus Audio.
Adonis Tsilimparis (Associate Producer/ Composer) is an Associate Producer for No Rest for the Weekend and the Composer for Isolation and BTRP TV. He is also the co-founder of Cutting Room Music.
Brenda Btrayed Oliver (Producer) is the co-producer of Sonnet 23, No Rest for the Weekend, and the Associate Producer for BTRP TV.